尽管有些荒谬但故事的主体很好想表达的东西很清晰老头的声音很好听裴淳华很带劲 最后把老头的感悟奉上:The truth isevery being human on this planet is ridiculous in their own way.So we shouldn't judge and we shouldn't fight,because in the end...In the end,none of it matters, none of this stuff. 事实上在这个星球上的每一个人都在某些方面有些荒谬所以我们不应该评头论足群盗:民乱的时代也不应该去争吵因为到最后……到最后所有的都不再重要
"I just can't stop thinking about Jessa, you know? Like where is she? What is she wearing? Is it linen? What language is she speaking, you know?" awww shosh is so adorable! please get back with Ray soon ok?!! and see you around, Jessa.